Pelvic Chair Therapy For Bladder Leakage And Urinary Incontinence
If your bladder leakage is mild to moderate, surgery is unlikely to be necessary. The novel Pelvic chair therapy is a game-changer for women with less severe forms of stress urinary incontinence.
How is Pelvic Chair Treatment Performed?
You sit in a chair for 30 minutes (completely clothed) that replicates over 10,000 kegel exercises to tone your bladder and pelvic floor muscles. It seems easy, and it is: there is no surgery involved, no medicine required, and the procedure is absolutely non-invasive.
Which Conditions Is the Treatment Appropriate For?
1 - Excessively Active Bladder
This extremely frequent bladder disease results in both urgency and frequency of urine, resulting in an excessive number of toilet visits. Occasionally, women have such an intense need to pee that they cannot reach the restroom in time and end up wetting themselves.
2 - Urinary Incontinence Due to Stress (SUI)
When women cough, sneeze, or exercise, this widespread and distressing ailment causes them to leak urine.
How Does The Chair Work?
Women sit in the pelvic chair for around 30 minutes while fully dressed. The chair stimulates all of the pelvic floor's deep muscles using high-intensity targeted electromagnetic technology. Muscles contract in reaction to the electromagnetic stimulation during the short therapy, delivering the same effect as doing 10,000 kegel exercises.
The average patient will need six treatments (2 per week for three weeks). During that short time period, the majority of patients report a large, astonishing gain in muscular strength and bladder control.
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